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Search Results for: Nintendo


Nintendo at E3

When it comes to learning what’s coming out – E3 is basically information Christmas.  I could go through every single item that was mentioned during the event but let’s be honest, you won’t read that. You might think you will but at best you’ll get two pages in and you’ll

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Nintendo Needs an Adult Mode

Nintendo Needs an Adult Mode

Now I know what you’re thinking, “What the hell is an Adult Mode supposed to be? It’s a kid friendly console you idiot!” I agree with you 100% but just hear me out.  “Adult Mode” doesn’t have to be anything vulgar or crude. Think of it more like an “advanced mode” for

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among the sleep

Among The Sleep | A Nintendo Horror Experience

So I started looking for a creepy horror game to play on the Nintendo switch recently and it’s been tougher than I thought. I should have realized that a Nintendo console wouldn’t cater to the gory horror genre too well but it looks as if they’re planning on accommodating those

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call of Juarez gunslinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Review

A call back to the stories of the old west and the movies made about that period. Learn some real history as you exterminate some of the bad guys in your way. Just be ready to draw that revolver.

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Death’s Door Review

When I stumbled across this game I actually found it for free on the Nintendo store. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself to give a game a shot when it’s not costing you a penny anyhow. Now I’m obsessed with it. Somehow Death’s Door has found a way to cross

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Paper Mario: The Origami King Playthrough

I have been in love with the Paper Mario series right from the beginning. The 10,000 year door was a masterpiece of a game. I have replayed it countless times just waiting for Nintendo to open the door to another Paper Mario game of the same caliber. Here’s hoping they’ve

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Mutant Year Zero

Mutant Year Zero Review

I’ve been interested in this game for a very long time. Enough so that I actually wrote about it a while ago in a previous article before even owning it. Finally I got my hands on a copy and started working my way through this somewhat turn based strategy game.

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Nintendo at E3

When it comes to learning what’s coming out – E3 is basically information Christmas.  I could go through every single item that was mentioned during the event but let’s be honest, you won’t read that. You might think you will but at best you’ll get two pages in and you’ll think to yourself “I’m over this”.  Instead let’s break it

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Nintendo Needs an Adult Mode

Nintendo Needs an Adult Mode

Now I know what you’re thinking, “What the hell is an Adult Mode supposed to be? It’s a kid friendly console you idiot!” I agree with you 100% but just hear me out.  “Adult Mode” doesn’t have to be anything vulgar or crude. Think of it more like an “advanced mode” for players that are sick of the repetitive nonsense of certain

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among the sleep

Among The Sleep | A Nintendo Horror Experience

So I started looking for a creepy horror game to play on the Nintendo switch recently and it’s been tougher than I thought. I should have realized that a Nintendo console wouldn’t cater to the gory horror genre too well but it looks as if they’re planning on accommodating those of us with a skewed sense of entertainment.  They have

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call of Juarez gunslinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Review

A call back to the stories of the old west and the movies made about that period. Learn some real history as you exterminate some of the bad guys in your way. Just be ready to draw that revolver.

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Death’s Door Review

When I stumbled across this game I actually found it for free on the Nintendo store. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself to give a game a shot when it’s not costing you a penny anyhow. Now I’m obsessed with it. Somehow Death’s Door has found a way to cross the idea of being a grim reaper with an adorable

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Paper Mario: The Origami King Playthrough

I have been in love with the Paper Mario series right from the beginning. The 10,000 year door was a masterpiece of a game. I have replayed it countless times just waiting for Nintendo to open the door to another Paper Mario game of the same caliber. Here’s hoping they’ve finally managed to pull that off! Up ahead are a

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Mutant Year Zero

Mutant Year Zero Review

I’ve been interested in this game for a very long time. Enough so that I actually wrote about it a while ago in a previous article before even owning it. Finally I got my hands on a copy and started working my way through this somewhat turn based strategy game. From the beginning I didn’t know much about the game

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Monster Hunter Now

A new game from Niantic has hit the market. The creators of Ingress and Pokemon Go have, in my opinion, done it again. Based off

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Force of Nature Review

Looking to get away from it all? Laying on a beach with nothing to do? Well than Force of Nature will get you halfway there. You’ll start laying on a beach but then building a life is up to you.

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