We have no affiliation with Mistplay and receive no extras from them for discussing their products. All reviews and discussion on the topic are our true opinions. Any money received is only due to their business model for playing games and not promotional funding for us to advertise.
With the holidays right around the corner I decided to try and sink some more time into games through the Mistplay app. While you can earn money through the app it is a little slow going unless you learn to work the system a bit. Learn more about how to do that on our page discussing the app itself.
For this grouping of games to gain the most benefit I was playing Solitaire, Coin Master and Family Island.
This is going to be a quick one. I mean it’s Solitaire right? Such a classic game that I’m sure a bunch of you have never played yet it is so simple I used to play it as a little kid with a deck of cards.
Now saying that, it is much easier to play on the phone than it was physically. There’s a couple of reasons that make that completely true to the point where I will actually be keeping this game on my phone after this article is done. I haven’t done that is a long time. Solitaire has been really nice for keeping me entertained for however long I need to be entertained. It is also easy to step away from and come back to at any time.

Gaming style
Depending on what time of gaming you like to do on your phone always makes a big difference as to what game you’ll like. Solitaire is a game that does require your constant attention to make progress. The fact that there are no time restraints does mean that if you get caught in a conversation you won’t “die”. This game is very easy to put down for any amount of time and jump right back in to where you were. While not a high octane adventure, it will definitely fill the time.
How It Works
It almost feels silly to write about how solitaire works but I am sure there are a bunch of you that have never played it before.

Cards are set up as you can see above to start the game. The goal of the game is to get all the cards into the four piles you can see in the top left corner. Each pile must start with the Ace and then the 2, 3, ect. The difficulty being that the only cards you can move onto the pile have to be the cards that aren’t under any others.
As you build the lower strings of cards you reveal more of the hidden cards allowing you to move more around. The stack in the top right corner helps to make the card strings more accessible but when used improperly can mess up your game.

Remember that no matter what, not every round can be a winner. Sometimes the cards put you into a stalemate that you can’t get around no matter what you did earlier on.
For Mistplay-ers
For Mistplay-ers
This is one of the games that isn’t necessarily the fastest to earn you money through Mistplay BUT is really easy to spend time playing.
The game is really simple and easy to play. Something that you can jump into at any point with very little effort and no fear of where you left off. This means that as long as you remember to open it through the misplay app, you’ll gain time played very easily. A perfect game for any time that you’ve got a few minutes, or hours, to kill.
Playing card games at home was something I used to do a lot. Solitaire was one that I always enjoyed but would get messed up on the table so easily. Having a mobile version of it that I can also walk away from without worrying about someone moving things around really makes the game a lot of fun. A very captivating game for those who enjoy trying to problem solve.
If you’re interested in more games from Mistplay or would like to learn more about the app itself you can find out more here. At the bottom of the page you will find a list of games that we have played through the app and reviews on them as well.