PC, Xbox One, PS4
One of the most anticipated Indie games of the past 3 years, is finally coming.
Lost Ember Trailer | Mooneye Youtube
Coming this summer, Lost Ember has been called;
- “Most beautiful trailer of Gamescom 2016.” – GIGA
- “..one of the most astonishing indie games of 2016”- 80 Level
- “A beautiful looking adventure game” – PC Gamer

Duck Hunt | Lost Ember
Explore the world
Explore a breathtakingly beautiful world that nature has claimed back from mankind. As a wolf with the power to inhabit and control other animals and with a trusted companion at your side, you’ll discover ruins of long forgotten civilizations and ancient cultures that tell a story of hope, loss, ambition and failure.
Switch perspectives
Your main character will be the wolf. Majestic, fast and agile, you’re perfectly fitted to run through the woods, explore the world and chase all the other animals you encounter.
When the wolf encounters other creatures, you can inhabit them, and act as them, using their unique abilities to go to places the wolf never could. Take flight over the canopy as a parrot, dive into the depths of the sea as a fish, or dig underground as a mole, there are many ways to discover your environment.
Discover secrets
Only by inhabiting these creatures can you uncover the secrets behind the fall of the old world! A once a mighty civilization now lies in ruins, its majestic temples and glorious civic buildings enshrined by nature itself.
Reveal their fate and get to know the characters behind its fall.
VR Capable
Lost Ember will be playable on the HTC Vive and Occulus Rift, with possible support for Playstation VR coming in the future. There aren’t many details about how this will change gameplay just yet, but its sure to allow us to go deeper into this world which is pretty exciting.
Delayed in development for 2 years
Mooneye Studios originally launched Lost Ember on Kickstarter in 2016, more than tripling their 100k funding goal. They estimated their release to be March, 2018 but here we are one year later now with an official release date set for July 19! In a blog post from Mooneye’s developers, the studio describes having to change their main story writer part way through development, and running into some funding issues due to an extended development stage.
Fear not, this is nothing too out of the ordinary for an Indie developer! Mooneye has mentioned before that they refuse to release Lost Ember until it is completely perfect. They referenced the game in their Blog post saying, “It’s our precious little baby and we’re unwilling to compromise.” This certainly seems to be true, and we are eagerly awaiting July 19 to see the finished product.

Coming to PC, Xbox One, and PS4 July 19, 2019!
Did you enjoy the trailer? Will you be pre-ordering Lost Ember? Let us know in the comments below!