pixel art of sandoozee


I play: Couch co-ops, games that can be made into drinking games, and anything open world. Grew up on Nintendo but I have been putting considerable time into my Playstation. Nintendo will always have my heart.

Personal favorite game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I think the GOAT is: Split between Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie.
A hidden gem I recommend to friends: Used to be Stardew Valley (Back when it was a hidden gem) – more recently it’s This War of Mine.

Sandoozee's Archive


Force of Nature Review

Looking to get away from it all? Laying on a beach with nothing to do? Well than Force of Nature will get you halfway there. You’ll start laying on a beach but then building a life is up to you.

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Unturned Review

Looking for another “Block”buster game to sink your teeth into? This Minecraft-esque zombie game based in Canada is a new way to get into a square new world!

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I play: Open world, action RPG’s, combat survival and sandbox explorers. I spend most time on my Xbox Series X or PC but my trusty NES is never far away.

Personal favorite game: Kingdom Hearts 2

I think the GOAT is: LOZ: Breath of the Wild

A hidden gem I recommend to friends: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I play: all types of titles, with notable favorites being within the rhythm/multiplayer realm. That said, I appreciate a juicy single-player adventure from time to time. Shared love for all platforms, ranging from NES to PC to N-Gage.

Personal favorite game: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

I think the GOAT is: The Legend of Zelda: BOTW

A hidden gem I recommend to friends: The Stanley Parable