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Eversoul Gets over 1 million pre-registers in just over a week

Picture of Sandoozee
Co-Founder of Time Wasters. Favourites are Couch co-ops, games that can be made into drinking games, and anything open world. Grew up on Nintendo but I have been putting considerable time into the Playstation 4. Nintendo will always have my heart.

With the makings to be the next big mobile hit, Eversoul has already managed to hit the million “player” mark before even hitting release. Even though the game has only been open for pre-registration for over a week it’s clear people are interested.

As an early thank you to its pre-registered fans more epic souls, two limited costumes and more are being offered to its players.

This mobile RPG is set in a fantasy world where the “Savior” (You) is tasked with assisting souls to help save their world. A player is able to have up to 5 “souls” in a party to attack and defend against enemies.

To help create a more immersive experience, there has been a unique ‘relationship system’ added into the game. Through simple communication and other interactions with the “souls” the savior may strengthen and even romance the souls that have been collected.

Interested in learning more? Maybe you want to jump in with the second million to pre register? You can find more about the game at their official website, or their Twitter and Youtube channels.

Ready to jump into the queue? Find Eversoul on Google Play or the App Store.

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