I want to start by showing off the average review rating this game has received. With an average score of 7.5/10 it seemed like a game that should have been fairly fun. The reviews range wildly but on average it rated better than a lot of games do. Now on to the Quick Blip for The Evil Within (and the reason that we came up with Quick Blips).
The Evil Within starts off as a fairly interesting game. You’re a detective who gets brought to an in progress crime scene due to special circumstance. Upon entering you find numerous dead bodies and upon finding the security room you see a ghost or spirit of some sort that kills off three police officers easily, all while being shot at. It then proceeds to warp through the camera and attack everyone in the room that you’re standing in. You wake up strung upside down in a room where a beefy guy is dismembering bodies Castlevania style..
As you work your way through the hospital, it takes a little bit to get used to the controls but it is nerve wracking and exciting. Unfortunately as soon as I finally managed to exit the hospital is when I started to lose interest in the game.
After a wild ride through the city you end up in a forest trying to get past all these infected(?) people who are trying to kill you. The farther you get in the game the more sentience they seem to gain and even start using weapons. This took the game in a much different direction than we thought it was going to go and became much less appealing to us. I tried to keep going through it in order to write a review about it but honestly I was hating it so much that I ended up creating the idea of Quick Blips as a way to write about a game that I just couldn’t muster the energy to finish!
The Evil Within | Wallpapercraft.com
Not to totally dunk on the game as it was good in a lot of ways but it just wasn’t the type of game that I like. If you enjoy a game that forces you to heavily monitor your supplies (in a Resident Evil way) than you’ll likely enjoy this game a lot. We picked it up second hand for $8 so it’s not much of a loss but I would have been rather upset if we had payed full price. I would suggest trying to find a used copy yourself if you’re interested in trying it out. There is a sequel coming after all there must’ve been lots of fans to warrant that happening!
Let us know what you think of the Quick Blip or the game itself in the comments below.
This game is not as fun as I thought it would be but for those who like the Resident Evil series you might find this game entertaining. I would suggest trying to find it on sale just in case.