We knew this was coming, right?
We’ve all known since March 11 that E3 2020 would be cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns, but until yesterday, we were all under the impression that the event would be held online. For most of us, this wouldn’t be too much of an adjustment, and could actually have been quite an engaging way to “attend” the expo.

However, ESN has broke the news today in a statement to PCgamer that they will not be holding an online event for E3 this year. Their full statement was as follows;

They continued, “Instead, we will be working with exhibitors to promote and showcase individual company announcements, including on www.E3expo.com, in the coming months.”
So why the sudden change? It seems most major developers have been planning their own online events, and ESN’s involvement was thinning to the point of being all together irrelevant. So far, the following E3 regulars have confirmed that they will be holding their own digital events;
- Microsoft
- Ubisoft
- Devolver Digital
- EA
We also expect Nintendo to be holding a direct although this is not confirmed, and it would be surprising not to hear at least a peep out of Square Enix this summer as well! Both Bethesda and unsurprisingly; Sony have bowed out of the fun this year entirely.
So what about E3 2021?
ESN has said that plans for 2021 E3 are full steam ahead, and that they are reimagining the experience completely. So although it’s far off, it seems we have a lot to look forward to. Their statement to PCGamer concluded with, “We look forward to bringing our industry and community together in 2021 to present a reimagined E3 that will highlight new offerings and thrill our audiences.”
Stay tuned for more news as it comes!