I want to preface this articles by saying my experiences with the game were on the Oculus Quest 2
When I first got my virtual reality headset, the Oculus Quest 2, I was reluctant to spend money on games. For some reason I had it in my head that there would be enough free games out there to keep my interest. There were a few that were a lot of fun but it didn’t take long to figure out that in order to fully enjoy my headset I was going to need to spend money on some games.
After a lot of looking around I landed on Beat Saber as one of the first purchases I got (the other being Wander). I loved DDR growing up and this seemed like a similar variation of that so I had high hopes. I didn’t expect to fall in love with it as quickly as I did.
Rum’n Bass |Timewasters, youtube.com
I started playing with the challenges and about half way into the first song I realized that the game is a stupid amount of fun! It truly feels like you’re using a saber to attack things. With the vibration in the controllers each “contact” really feels like you’ve just sliced through something. It makes the game extremely rewarding to play and draws me in way way too much.
Even though there is a decent amount of songs that the game comes with, you are able to purchase more for small fees. There is a Linkin Park pack that has my attention at the moment.
Try as I might I can’t really come up with any negatives about the game. Aside from the obvious, make sure you have a large enough space to play before buying it. Other than that the game seems fairly flawless. Motion sensitivity is very accurate and responds quickly. The movements are lined up really well with the songs. Challenges make sense and the initial walkthrough of the game easily explains how to play for someone who has never played before.
Beatsaber Gameplay |Timewasters, youtube.com
On top of all that I am slightly ashamed to admit it can be a pretty decent workout. Especially when I find myself playing for upwards of a half hour at a time.
Being my first real purchased game from a VR system I have been extremely happy with it. Not only have I put enough hours into the game to justify the cost within the first few days. I also have been able to share the game with others who haven’t played a VR console before because it’s so easy to pick up.
10/10 would recommend

Beat Saber is not only a fantastic first game to get on a VR system, it’s just a fantastic game to own. The price point is easy to tolerate and you’ll quickly play enough to justify that price point. On top of being a stupid amount of fun, it’s also a nice little bit of exercise each time you play.